How can we help you?
If this is your first log-in to the online NSL Portal, you will have to request a new password.
→ Click on ‘Don’t know or don’t have a password’
→ Fill in your username and e-mail address which is in the system and click on Request password
You will receive an e-mail with a weblink. Please click on this weblink in the e-mail.
Directly after, you will receive a new e-mail with temporary password to log-in with on the portal. You can immediately change this password at your first log-in.
You have to enter the username and email address which is in our system. Probably we have another username and/or e-mail address of you. Please send an e-mail to csc@northsealubricants.com and we can inform you which username is linked to which e-mail address for your company.
The e-mail will be sent to the mail address which you have entered. Please wait 1 minute and also check the SPAM mailbox. If you still haven’t received the e-mail, send an e-mail to csc@northsealubricants.com and we will further assist you.
Perhaps you have closed the session by clicking on the red cross instead of clicking on ‘LOGOUT’. In that case, the system has not officially logged you out so the session is still active. You have to wait for 15 minutes, after which the system will log you out itself when there hasn’t been any activity in your still running session. After this 15 minutes, you are able to log-in again.
Just send an e-mail to csc@northsealubricants.com and we will be happy to assist you.